Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Misery, Thy Name is Monsoon

Hi Fellow Kampers in Spirit:

I hate to be a grouch, but Korea is experiencing "vacuum cleaner" weather right now. (That's sucks!). The predicted annual monsoon season has descended upon this part of creation and it is everything my seventh grade geography book advertised. I'm having mental flashbacks to 1966 when, as a sixteen year-old day camp counselor with the YMCA, I slogged through a few days of heavy rain with a dozen elementary age boys in my charge. The circumstances created a vacuum then (see above) and still do today--only now I'm pushing sixty and sixteen is a long way in the rear view mirror. As I survey this particular consequence of my freely chosen circumstances, I philosophically note that I am, once again, sitting beneath a leaky-roofed pavillion trying to keep order among (and teach English to) elementary age kids. Sadly, that's not much career progress for forty-three years. On the other hand, I think I'm in the right place at the right time and living out my destiny in accordance with the Grand Unified Theory as postulated by Einstein. (Oh Lord, I'm turning into a Jewish Asian mystic.....HELP!!!!).

Maybe I'll organize my Korean students into a chorus to sing a few verses of "Tomorrow" from the musical, ANNIE. (You know..."The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet you bottom dollar that, tomorrow, there'll be sun" etc.). With that, I leave you with best wishes and a quote from "Pygmalion" ("My Fair Lady") that Eliza Doolittle made to Henry Higgins during a torrential London thunderstorm:

"If it's gettin' worse, tis a sign it's nearly over.
So cheer up, Captain, and buy a flower off a poor gurl."

You'll have to supply your own Cockney accent.

Til later,
(A very philosophical) Kamper Bill

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